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Friday, January 2, 2009

Carrying Out Single-Item, Single-Level Planning MM Consumption-Based Planning

To carry out single-item, single-level planning, proceed as follows:

  1. Starting from the menu screen of material requirements planning, select MRP
  2. ® Sng-item/sng-level.

    The initial screen for MRP - Single-Item, Single-Level now appears.

  3. Enter the material number of the material that you want to plan. If you only want to plan the material in a certain plant, you must also specify the plant.
  4. In the MRP Control parameters section, you can enter different parameters for the planning run.

    Processing key

    You determine the type of the planning run via the processing key:

    netch - net change planning

    netpl - net change planning in the planning horizon

    Creation indicator for purchase requisitions

    This indicator only refers to externally procured materials and is only valid if it is not automatically determined by the MRP group. You have three possibilities:

    1 purchase requisitions are always created

    2 within the opening period, purchase requisitions are created, outside it,

    planned orders are created

    3 planned orders are always created

    Creation indicator for MRP lists

    You control the creation of MRP lists with this indicator:

    1 an MRP list is always created

    2 an MRP list is created depending on the exceptional situation

    3 no MRP list is created

    Planning mode

    With this indicator you control whether

    1 planning dates are reactivated

    2 the bill of material is re-exploded

    3 the available planning dates are deleted and new ones created

    In the topic titled Process control parameters, you can specify that the planning result is to be displayed before it is saved by selecting the Display result field.

    Otherwise, the result is stored immediately in the database.

    To save the parameters for susequent planning runs, select Settings ® Save parameters. These parameters will then be set as default values in the following planning runs.

  5. Press
  6. ENTER.

    You receive a description for each of your entries. You can now change the parameters again. If you change the parameters, press ENTER again and you get a second chance to check your entries.

  7. To start the planning run, press
  8. ENTER.

    If you selected the Display result field on the initial screen, the result appears on your screen and a message stating that material requirements planning has been carried out appears.

    The most important functions you can use in the screen containing the planning results, are the following:

    – If you want to look at additional data for an MRP element, position the cursor on the appropriate element and select Details ® For MRP element. The pop-up window with the data you require appears.

    – If you want to display additional material data, select Settings ® Detailed header. The screen displaying the results is displayed with an extended header.

    – To print out the result, select Planning ® Print.

    For a more detailed description of further functions on this screen, see MRP List.

  9. Save the planning result with Planning
  10. ® Save.

You then return to the initial screen where you can carry out single-item planning for another material if you want.

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