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Friday, January 2, 2009

Period Lot-Sizing Procedures System Functions in a Planning Run

In period lot-sizing procedures, the system groups several requirements within a time interval together to form a lot. The period lengths can be days, weeks, months or a period of flexible length equal to accounting periods.

Daily lot size

All requirements that fall within a day or within a specific number of days (which you have determined) are grouped together to form a lot.

Weekly lot size

All requirements that fall within a week or within a specific number of weeks (which you have determined) are grouped together to form a lot.

Monthly lot size

All requirements that fall within a month or within a specific number of months (which you have determined) are grouped together to form a lot.

Lot size according to flexible period length

All requirements that fall within one flexible period length or within a specific number of flexible period lengths (which you have determined) are grouped together to form a lot.

You determine the period lengths according to the accounting periods.

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