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Monday, January 12, 2009

SAP MM Creating POs, Schedule Lines, and RFQs from PReqs SAP MM Optimized Purchasing

This section contains practical tips for the manual generation of purchasing documents referencing purchase requisitions. You are shown how to create the following from a list of open requisitions:

· Purchase orders and delivery schedule lines (for items with an assigned source)

· RFQs (for items without an assigned source)

Creating Purchase Orders and Delivery Schedule Lines

You process requisitions in two steps:

  1. Choose requisitions.

You choose the requisitions for which Pos, delivery schedule lines (under scheduling agreements), or RFQs are to be generated. This step is described in "Choosing Requisitions".

  1. Create purchasing documents.

You then create purchase orders or delivery schedule lines (see "Creating Purchase Orders" or "Creating Scheduling Agreement Schedule Lines").

Choosing Requisitions

This section shows how to list open requisitions (requisitions whose material has not been ordered, or only ordered in part) and choose which requisitions you wish to process.

  1. Choose Requisition
  2. ® Follow-on functions ® Create purchase order ® Via assignment list.

The screen enabling you to enter selection criteria for the requisitions to be processed appears.

  1. Enter the selection criteria for the requisitions you wish to process. For example, enter the purchasing group key to list all requisitions that have been assigned to your purchasing group.
  2. Choose Execute to obtain a list sorted by vendor. You see how many of your purchasing group’s requisitions have been assigned to each vendor.
  3. Now create either purchase orders or scheduling agreement schedule lines.

Creating Purchase Orders

  1. Position the cursor on the desired vendor or contract and choose Edit
  2. ® Process assignment.

A dialog box for PO creation appears.

  1. Check, enter or change the PO data (for example, the purchasing organization).

Press ENTER to obtain the overview of requisitions flagged for PO generation.

  1. Select the items that are to be adopted in the PO.
  2. Adopt the selected items in the PO.
  3. – If you wish to change the selected items before adopting them, choose Edit ® Selections ® Adopt + details. You then make the desired changes on the item detail screen in each case.

    – If you wish to copy the selected items without first changing them, choose Edit ® Selections ® Adopt.

    The item overview for the new PO (with the items you adopted) appears.

  4. Save the purchase order.

For more information on the creation of purchase orders, refer to the section Creating a Purchase Order.

Creating Scheduling Agreement Schedule Lines

  1. Position the cursor on the scheduling agreement for which delivery schedule lines are to be created, and choose Edit
  2. ® Process assignment.

The scheduling agreement item overview appears.

  1. Display the current delivery schedule. If necessary, enter delivery time-spots for individual lines.

The individual schedule lines for the assigned requisitions are generated automatically and inserted into the delivery schedule in the appropriate chronological order.

  1. Save the schedule.

For further information on the creation of delivery schedules under scheduling agreements, refer to Creating Delivery Schedule Lines for a Scheduling Agreement Item.

Creating RFQs

  1. To create RFQs, you must generate a basic list via Requisition ® Follow-on functions ® Assign + process.
  2. From the basic list, you can flag a requisition for RFQ processing. Select a requisition and choose Edit ® Flag for RFQ ® With vendor or Without vendor.
  3. Choose Goto
  4. ® Assignment overview to access the assignment overview screen. Position the cursor on the text Flagged for RFQ processing and choose Edit ® Process assignment.

A dialog box for the creation of RFQs appears.

  1. Enter the deadline for submission of quotations and check other relevant data, such as the purchasing organization.
  2. When you press ENTER, you will obtain an overview of the purchase requisitions that have been flagged for RFQ processing.

  3. Select the items that are to be adopted in the RFQ.
  4. Adopt the selected items in the RFQ.
  5. – If you wish to change the selected items before adopting them, choose Edit ® Selections ® Adopt + details. The relevant item detail screens will then appear, allowing you to make the desired changes.

    – To adopt the selected items without changes, choose Edit ® Selections ® Adopt.

    The item overview for the RFQ to be created is displayed with the adopted items.

  6. If you have flagged the requisition for RFQ processing without a vendor, or if you wish to issue RFQs to another vendor, assign the RFQ to a vendor and save the document.
    Repeat this process for each vendor to whom the RFQ is to be issued.

For more information on the creation of RFQs, refer to the section Creating RFQs.

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